The Basics:

What is GroupGrams?

GroupGrams is a great way to stay in touch with the people you care about most. The GroupGrams platform allows you to create groups with your family, friends or anyone else and then periodically create an online group newsletter that is shared with everyone.

Watch this 1 minute video to see what GroupGrams is all about:

Who is GroupGrams for?

GroupGrams is for groups of friends or family that genuinely want to stay in touch with each other and are willing to put in a little effort (just a little) to maintain their relationships. GroupGrams is used by:

  • Immediate families
  • Extended families
  • College friends and roommates
  • High school friends
  • Friends who have moved away but want to stay in touch
  • Military friends
  • Study-abroad / travel groups
  • Service groups
  • And basically any other group of friends or family that want to stay connected

How much does GroupGrams cost?

GroupGrams is free. Enjoy it on us!

I have an awesome idea to make GroupGrams better. Who do I tell?

We love feedback and ideas from our users. Click here to tell us your idea.


How do I create a group?

Once you login, the first page you see will say, “Create a Group.” Click that button. From there creating a group is simple. Choose a group name, when and how often you want your newsletter to go out and how long you want your group member’s updates to be. Then you choose who you want to invite to your group. If the person you want to invite is already a member of GroupGrams, you can search for him or her. If the person has not yet joined GroupGrams, all you have to do is enter their name and email address and we will invite them for you. When you click, “Create Group”, GroupGrams will automatically send out email invitations to your future group members.

If you want to be an extra good group leader, you can also send your group members a separate email or text telling them that you have just invited them to join your group on GroupGrams and they should have just received an email. If they don’t see it, tell them to check their spam or junk mail folder.

How do I get more friends on GroupGrams?

Create a group and invite people to join you on GroupGrams. Each person you are in a group with is your friend.

Someone told me they were going to add me to a group but I don’t see that group. What should I do?

Here is what you should do:

  1. Check your spam/junk email folder for an email invitation to join the group.
  2. If that doesn’t work, call or text your friend to make sure they have actually set up the group.
  3. If they say they have set up the group, ask them which email address they used for you. If it is a different email address than you checked in step 1, go look for the email in your other inbox.
  4. If all else fails, ask the person who created the group to re-send the group invitation to you. To do this, see below, “How can I remind people to join my group or to submit their update?”
  5. If this still doesn’t work, shoot us a line at GroupGrams support (click here) and we will get it all sorted out.

Group Management: (Group Leaders Only)

How do I add someone to a group once it’s already created?

Go to the main group page for the group you want to add the person to. On the left side of the page, there is a blue button that says, “Invite Members.” Click it! You can search for existing GroupGrams members or add a new person using her email address.

How do I change the date my newsletter will be published, the length of updates in my newsletter or how often my newsletter gets sent out?

Go to the main group page for the group. On the left side of the page, there is a white box under your profile picture. Click on “Edit Group Settings” to:

  • Change the group name
  • Change the group type
  • Change how often the newsletter goes out (frequency)
  • Add or update your group profile picture
  • See and/or delete group members
  • Or permanently delete the group (We hope you never have to use this feature!)

or click on “Edit Current Newsletter” to:

  • Update the current newsletter’s title
  • Change the date the current newsletter will be compiled and published

How can I remind people to join my group or to submit their update?

Go to the main group page for the group. On the left side of the page, there is a white box under your profile picture. Click on “Leader Tools”. You can send two different types of email from this page.

  • The first box shows you everyone who has a pending status as a member of your group. They have neither joined nor declined. Remove anyone you don’t want to remind and then click “Send Reminder”.
  • The second box shows you everyone who has not finalized their update for the upcoming newsletter. Remove anyone you don’t want to remind and then click “Send Reminder”.

Can I remove someone from a group once they have been invited?

Yes you can. Go to the main group page for the group. On the left side of the page, there is a white box under your profile picture. Click on “Edit Group Settings” and then click on the trash can to the right of the person you want to delete.

Can I delete a group?

Yes you can. Go to the main group page for the group. On the left side of the page, there is a white box under your profile picture. Click on “Edit Group Settings”, scroll to the bottom and click “Delete” under “Permanently Delete Group.” If you are really serious about this, click “Confirm Delete”. All the past newsletters and updates will be deleted and all group members will be removed from the group.